Gifts for deafPLUS
would you consider leaving a gift in your will to a cause close to your heart?

Making a will takes time and consideration, and we understand that friends and family come first. When you have taken care of your loved ones, would you consider leaving a gift in your will to a cause close to your heart?
As a smaller charity, gifts in wills (also known as legacies) are invaluable to the work that we do. We depend on the generosity of people and organisations that support us. Legacies are a gift from one generation to another.
Leaving a gift in your will means that we can continue to be there for people relying on deafPLUS’ services, and provide exceptional support and care to deaf people and their families for years to come.
FAQs about Gifts in Wills
How much should I leave?

Any gift that you are able to pledge to deafPLUS, no matter how big or small, will help us to continue to deliver our vital range of services for future generations. Any amount you can offer will be gratefully received. Thank you for considering leaving a Gift in your Will.
What type of gift can I leave in my will?
There are three main types of legacies; Residual Legacy, Pecuniary Legacy or Specific Legacy. Let's delve into those a little further. Residual legacy: is when you leave a percentage of what remains of your estate after all other legacies have been given to others (i.e. friends and family) and your debts have been cleared. One of the advantages of a residual legacy is that by leaving a percentage, you ensure the gifts remain fair to your wishes and everyone named in your will – especially if you don’t update it very often! Pecuniary legacy: is when you leave a specified sum of money. Specific legacy: is when you gift a particular item such as jewellery, shares, a painting or a car. Your solicitor can advise you on the wording to use to ensure that your wishes are respected.
Can I save on tax?
Yes. All gifts to registered charities are exempt from Inheritance Tax. Leaving a gift to charity in your will can reduce the amount of tax you have to pay as it is deducted from the value of your estate prior to taxation. It’s always best to discuss how you could save on tax with your solicitor.
I already have a will, can I change it?
Yes. If you already have a will and would like to update it to include deafPLUS you can do this by making a simple addition to your existing will. This is called a codicil. By adding this simple document you can add and delete instructions without having to go through the will writing process again. Your solicitor will be able to advise you on how to make changes to your will.
Thinking of leaving a gift in your will to deafPLUS?
We would be happy to speak to you on the phone, or in BSL via Skype or Facetime, about the impact gifts in wills have on our work and how you could help. We can also help you find appropriate solicitors in your area. If you would like more information about leaving a gift in your will to deafPLUS – please contact Jason at Live in Tower Hamlets? We recommend T V Edwards Solicitors. Contact for legal advice regarding wills and probate. Thank you If you’ve already remembered deafPLUS in your will, thank you. Your support will ensure our work continues for the benefit of future generations of deaf people.